Everyone deserves to be their best

Steve Chandler
The “Godfather of Coaching," author of How to Get Clients and co-author of The Prosperous Coach
“This is the only ICF-accredited coaching certification program that I recommend. Hornick is a deep thinker, a first-rate coach, and an extraordinary teacher. He also knows how to create a successful coaching practice. If someone wants to learn how to coach and how to BE a great coach, enroll in this program.”
Maureen McLauglin
Director of Strategic Projects and Chief of Staff, Mill Town Capital, MA
Attending the ICF coaching program was a transformative experience for me. The accessible approach made it easy to grasp complex concepts and integrate them into my practice. Josh is an engaging teacher who kept us captivated and inspired throughout the course, creating a vibrant and.

Dr. Sue Keller

Kayla Beard
Becoming a Better Coach
Do you want to develop the skills to be a superb professional coach?​
Becoming a Better Coach (BBC) is a unique coach training program. It's an intimate, highly interactive, highly practical, and deep program. For some people, it is perfect.
If you think this may be right for you, Josh Hornick, the program director, will want to talk with you personally. Click here and we will schedule a time to do that.
Becoming a Better Coach raises the quality of your coaching. If you are relatively new to coaching, it prepares you to coach professionally. It is an intimate program, capped at 20 students. Each student receives personal attention from an outstanding faculty. We know of no comparable program. The most similar programs cost more that twice as much.
The most important thing that a coach can do to build their impact and to build their practice is to coach better. Coaching better means shoring up your basic coaching skills (this is often the most important thing) and broadening your skillset. Along with building on the fundamental understandings that ground a coach, Becoming a Better Coach teaches a range of techniques and provides ample practice and critique to reliably raise the quality of your service to clients. Hornick School of Coaching is an International Coaching Federation accredited school so graduates of Becoming a Better Coach may apply for Associate Certified Coach designation.
Becoming a Better Coach is offered two times a year and runs for 15 weeks. The training includes:
Content training in profound, interactive seminars. Students consistently report that they look forward to coming to each of these.
Practice coaching with real clients. (See Community Coaching Program.)
Group mentor coaching.
One-on-one mentor coaching.
Critique sessions where your coaching is critiqued by mentor coaches.
Listening to recordings of master coaches and some other content from experts in different areas.
The program requires on average seven hours per week. After a six-hour Saturday kick-off, most of the fixed-schedule sessions take place in 2.5-hour, on-line meetings. Classes are recorded and review notes are prepared for each class so live-participation at a few classes can be missed without a problem.
We thought long and hard about the design and content of the program and we always iterate it so it constantly improves. It is engaging and interactive. If you have ever done any training (or been to high school or college), you know how big a difference great teaching and well-designed sessions make.
There is an almost unlimited amount that one can study and learn to improve one's coaching. In fact, ongoing learning is a requirement for being a professional coach. There is philosophy, psychology, organizational development, human dynamics, somatics, neuroscience, spirituality, religion, communication, visualizations, leadership, anthropology, relationships. The list goes on.
BBC was designed to introduce you to a variety of coaching modalities while provided enough experience of basic coaching techniques so that you become comfortable, even eager, to be coaching people. Many BBC participants who are new to coaching start working with independent clients before completing the program. Many, maybe most, of the students who join the program are already working professionally as coaches when they enroll.
Becoming a Better Coach also provides no-nonsense instruction on how to build a coaching practice. That's significant because most practice-building advice marketed and taught to coaches is nonsense. (If you want to get a head start on really understanding how a coaching practice is built, and you are a book person, pick up a copy of Freyer-Jones's Total Coaching Success or Chandler and Litvin's The Prosperous Coach.)
Some participants come to Becoming a Better Coach without any intention of establishing independent coaching practices. Professional level training in coaching is of huge value in almost every human endeavor, professional and personal. As a result, people come to BBC who are administrators, service providers, teachers, clergy, consultants, therapists, even carpenters. It makes them better at their jobs. It makes them better at human relationships. It is a life-changing experience.
And, in keeping with HSC's mission to make coaching available to people and places where isn't yet, we provide the program at a price point that is substantially lower than any comparable program we know of.
BBC is offered twice per year. The next cohort of BCC starts in late January 2025. Slots are filled on a first come, first served basis. For information on cost and scheduling for the the program that starts in January, click here.
For more information about BBC, email info@hornickschoolofcoaching.com.